Allergy Skin Testing to Inhalants, Foods, and Stinging Insect Venom
From Mayoclinic.com >>
"Along with your medical history, allergy tests can confirm whether signs and symptoms, such as sneezing, wheezing and skin rashes, are caused by allergies. Allergy tests can also identify the specific substances that trigger allergic reactions. Information from allergy tests can help your doctor develop an allergy treatment plan that may include allergen avoidance, medications or allergy shots (immunotherapy)."
Allergen Immunotherapy
From Mayoclinic.com >>
"Allergy shots are a form of treatment called immunotherapy. Each shot contains a tiny amount of the substances that trigger allergic reactions (allergens). Allergy shots contain just enough allergens to stimulate your immune system — but not enough to cause a full-blown allergic reaction. Over time, your doctor will increase the dose of allergy-causing substances in each shot. This helps get your body accustomed (desensitized) to the allergens. Your immune system will build up a tolerance to the allergens, and allergy symptoms will diminish over time."
Asthma Education
We offer our patients extensive educational materials on asthma, its symptoms, and learning how to comfortably live with the disease. Have asthma related questions? Please feel free to give our office a call at (817) 315-2550.
Nebulizer Therapy and Education
From WebMD.com >>
"An asthma nebulizer, also known as a breathing machine, changes asthma medication from a liquid to a mist, so that it can be more easily inhaled into the lungs. Home nebulizer therapy is particularly effective in delivering asthma medications to infants and small children and to anyone who is unable to use asthma inhalers with spacers."
Patch Testing For Contact Dermatitis
From DermNetNZ.com >>
"Physicians apply patch tests in patients with dermatitis, to find out whether their skin condition may be caused or aggravated by a contact allergy. Patch tests are not the same as skin prick tests, which are used to diagnose hay fever allergy (house dust mite, grass pollens and cat dander). Skin prick tests have very limited value for patients with skin rashes."
Allergen Challenge For Foods and Medications
From FAIUSA.org >>
"During a medically supervised food challenge or feeding test, the suspect food is given in measured doses, starting with small amounts. Following each dose, you are observed for a period of time for any signs of a reaction. In the absence of symptoms, increasingly larger doses are given. If you show any signs of reaction, the food challenge will be stopped and medications given if needed. The general goal is to feed a full serving size of the tested food. If this is tolerated, then adding the food back into the diet is unlikely to be a problem. If the test confirms that you have a food allergy, your allergist will discuss food avoidance techniques and prescribe appropriate medications."
Pulmonary Function Testing
From TheFreeDictionary.com >>
"Pulmonary function tests are a group of procedures that measure the function of the lungs, revealing problems in the way a patient breathes. The tests can determine the cause of shortness of breath and may help confirm lung diseases, such as asthma, bronchitis or emphysema. The tests also are performed before any major lung surgery to make sure the person won't be disabled by having a reduced lung capacity."

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